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Achieving equity of access to palliative care

02 February 2022
Volume 27 · Issue 2

The impact of COVID-19 on different communities serves as a useful reminder of why palliative care service providers should do everything in their power and resources to ensure equity of access to all who need it. Evidence of the devastating effects of COVID-19 is well documented, particularly in relation to the exposure of socioeconomic disparities among people from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities and other disadvantaged groups. Lessons learned from the pandemic should act as a catalyst to reaffirm our belief and commitment that palliative care is important to all those facing the end of life. Such a commitment means that everyone in healthcare services has a duty to facilitate assessment and access to palliative care by those who need it, regardless of their socioeconomic status, background, age, gender identity and other protected characteristics, which often end up being used to divide people and deprive them of critical services.

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