
Butler C, Wilson P, Abrahamson V Optimum models of hospice at home services for end-of-life care in England: a realist-informed mixed-methods evaluation. Health Soc Care Deliv Res. 2022; 10:(24)

NHS England. Care at home-end of life care. 2021.

Facilitating dying at home through the Hospice at Home service

02 July 2023
Volume 28 · Issue 7

When people who require their care to be at home and who wish to die at home, search for information online, they often come across websites such as NHS England's Care at home: end-of-life care.

They are presented with the following information and, I quote directly:

‘You may not need to move away from home to receive care, as end of life and hospice care can be provided at home. To find out what's available locally, ask your GP. Your GP can arrange for community nurses to come to your home and provide nursing care for you there. You may also need specialist care from community palliative care nurses who visit you at home to:


They can also involve other specialist professionals in your care, if their expertise is needed. Your local authority's social services department may provide a range of services and equipment to help you remain at home as you approach the end of life. This could include home adaptations, such as handrails’.

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