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End-of-life care

Workforce Plan: A Missed Opportunity for Palliative Care?

The recently published NHS Long Term Workforce Plan (NHS England, 2023) coincides with the 75th anniversary of the creation of the NHS, and heralds a seminal plan to increase staffing levels to match...

Facilitating dying at home through the Hospice at Home service

‘You may not need to move away from home to receive care, as end of life and hospice care can be provided at home. To find out what's available locally, ask your GP. Your GP can arrange for community...

Storytelling in palliative and end-of-life care

The recent pandemic has highlighted the importance of letting patients, relatives and healthcare professionals alike, share their stories on the impact COVID-19 has had on death and dying across...

Family carers' administration of injectable medications at the end of life: a service evaluation of a novel intervention

The service evaluation utilised quality improvement methods to understand the implementation and outcomes of the procedure, identify opportunities for strengthening and monitoring patient safety...

Mesothelioma palliative care needs: supporting patients and families with new research-based resources

Mesothelioma clinical guidelines recommend the timely provision of palliative and supportive care (British Thoracic Society Standards of Care Committee, 2007; Scherpereel et al, 2010). Both generalist...

Effectiveness of home-based end-of-life care

This commentary aims to critically appraise the methods used within the review by Shepperd et al (2021) and to expand upon its findings in the context of clinical practice..

Living beyond death and dying: managing the challenges of loss and grief among community nurses

There are several strategies and coping methods available for families and close friends during and after death. For example, one modern approach is the Dual Process Model for coping in bereavement,...

Facilitating healthy deaths at scale

‘I could never have imagined how difficult the position of caregiver at end-of-life would be and…. the stress on us as a family cannot be overstated’. .

Being the asset in palliative care

Community nurses (CN) in charge of providing palliative and end of life care are central to the quality of care provided, and by extension, the dignity in death afforded to these people. When viewed...

Incontinence in palliative care: assessment to promote dignity

UI has a stigma and can cause an individual to hide symptoms and avoid seeking appropriate help (Payne, 2017; Smith et al, 2019), often causing a communication barrier with the DN. Incontinence can...

Nausea and vomiting in end-of-life care: managing this debilitating symptom in the community

Confidentiality will be maintained throughout this case study with the use of pseudonyms in accordance with the standards set in the Code (Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), 2018)..

Storytelling in palliative care

‘… you think about things that you haven't thought about in a long time, and that gives you some pleasure … you can pass them onto future generations of the family.’ .

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