‘The Darzi report makes depressing reading with its enumeration of the numerous health challenges facing the English population across all age ranges, the shortfalls in health provision including...
How can community nurses and MDTs improve DVT screening and documentation in housebound patients?.
The World Health Organization (2024) and past governments in the UK have outlined a vision for providing personalised care closer to where people live within their local communities.
Every year since I can remember there have been apocalyptic headlines declaring that the NHS is at breaking point or close to it. The current dispute with hospital doctors has added pressure to the...
The COVID-19 pandemic raised the profile of complex care delivered at home by district nursing teams which kept people out of hospital (Green et al, 2020). District nursing remains core to healthcare...
Non wound care specialists need more training in wound care.
‘For a report like this to have the impact intended, it needs to speak to the community it affects.’ .
While this column is written for UK community nurses, issues of inequity are a global problem (Reimer-Kirkham et al, 2016; Hunt et al, 2019); therefore, we should look for a global solution, working...
Locally, it was agreed for existing pathways within the integrated discharge team to be enhanced to support safe discharge of patients, enhance communication and build key relationships with...
‘… practical assessment of the implementation and impact of an intervention. It is conducted in a spirit of discovery, rather than management or monitoring. It is concerned with developing...
A question arises: are we creating new services, rather than building on existing community health care?.
British Journal of Community Nursing provides clinical education dedicated to nursing in the home. Our goal is to help you develop your skills, improve your practice and manage cases more effectively.
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