This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Public health

An insight into district and community nursing across Wales

‘The delivery of care for community patients falls within the remit of the seven local health boards in Wales. Health boards deliver district and community nursing in their region, which is an...

Review of recently published articles

Lifestyle has been a somewhat underrated factor in the contribution, prevention and even treatment of non-communicable diseases. Modifiable lifestyle factors such as nutritional intake, physical...

Type 2 diabetes and food security: a mounting crisis with implications for community nurses

The incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is increasing at an alarming rate across Europe and North America, presenting a mounting crisis and significant health challenges. Alongside the...

People appear to have forgotten…

‘Despite the proven efficacy and strong promotion of the childhood COVER programme, its uptake has fallen to dangerously low levels in some areas. Population immunity is no longer sufficiently high...

Co-production and the community nurse

Over the last few years, co-production has increasingly become a more prominent term used by the UK health service to describe partnership working with patients. Community nurses, because of the...

Safe storage of medicines

Stringent storage procedures form a central plank of guidance issued by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and health bodies including the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Public Health England, and...

Self-neglect as a significant public health issue: exploring the responsibility of the SPCDN

There is limited data regarding the prevalence of self-neglect within the UK, coupled with multiple ambiguous definitions of the term (National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), 2020)....

Understanding COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy

‘Emphasising the social benefits of vaccination may reduce COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, perhaps because it shifts attention away from the individual and to the collective good’ .

Nurse-led projects for people experiencing homelessness and other inclusion health groups: a realist evaluation

‘… practical assessment of the implementation and impact of an intervention. It is conducted in a spirit of discovery, rather than management or monitoring. It is concerned with developing...

Preregistration adult nursing programmes and promotion of a population health agenda: an investigation

This review was undertaken as a preliminary stage of doctoral research to identify schools of nursing in England accredited by the NMC with a clear population health agenda (for further research into...

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