The prevalence of this condition does not belie its severe impact on quality of life. The literature surrounding UI in women is in overwhelming consensus: its impact is profound in every aspect of...
Excess winter deaths (EWDs) are the difference between the average daily deaths in the winter months compared to other months in England. These deaths are primarily caused by hypothermia, respiratory...
The prevalence of elder abuse is often underestimated as a result of under-reporting, social stigma and lack of awareness. According to the World Health Organization (2022a; 2022b), approximately 1 in...
The State of Ageing 2023–24 report provides a contemporary overview of older people living in England, drawn from a range of sources, including ONS data from the Census 2021.
The population of England and Wales is ageing, with the number of people aged 65–79 years predicted to increase by nearly a third to over 10 million in the next 40 years. Furthermore, those aged 80...
Regular use of alcohol is a key risk factor that has a significant impact on a range of health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, cancers and diabetes (Department of...
“The district nurse's role is highly complex and requires skills in negotiating, coaching, teaching and supporting people and their carers, whilst effectively collaborating with other agencies and...
‘…community building-based services that provide care and/or health-related services and/or activities specifically for older people who are disabled and/or in need’. .
On an ontological level, it can be argued that humans are inherently lonely and separate from the world, although, as social beings, we seek to reduce this separation through meaningful human and...
The systematic review by Treacy et al (2022) undertook a comprehensive search of published and unpublished studies up to June 2021 using a range of electronic databases: CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase,...
Skin ageing is a continuous process that affects skin function and appearance and as people age, their chances of developing skin-related disorders increase. There are two types of skin ageing:...
British Journal of Community Nursing provides clinical education dedicated to nursing in the home. Our goal is to help you develop your skills, improve your practice and manage cases more effectively.
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