This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Managing incontinence-associated dermatitis in the community: an overview

Community nurses, with their wide-ranging scope of practice and access to patients' daily lives, are well-placed to support individuals with a condition as intimate and personal as IAD. When the...

Reducing the burden: managing lymphoedema and its complications

It is a complicated system that drains out fluid from the body's tissues and returns it back into the circulator system. It is a passive system, relying on the body's own movements to drive it and to...

Developing the future district nursing workforce

District nursing is key to supporting and caring for individuals and their families within their homes, and avoiding unnecessary hospital admission. This is reflected in the policies of the four...

Taking sustainability seriously

‘The NHS, like other sectors, is a source of GHG emissions with the NHS emissions representing 4% of England's total carbon footprint and 40% of public sector emissions.’ .

Aysha Mendes provides a synopsis and brief review of a selection of recently published research articles that are of interest to community nurses, highlighting key points to keep you up to date; a full reference is provided for those who wish to read the research in more detail

Pressure ulcers are a leading cause of patient harm and are usually avoidable. In this recently published narrative review published in the British Journal of Nursing, Ibeh et al (2024) explore the...

Language matters in death and dying

It has become customary now that each year the Dying Matters campaign by Hospice UK dedicate a Dying Matters awareness week in May encouraging people across the globe to talk about death and dying....

Deprivation of liberty and the community nurse

As part of their caseloads, community nurses are likely to have patients who are resident in care and nursing homes, and the nurse will be in contact with patients who are either explicitly or...

Community support for families affected by dementia

David was 70 years of age when he first started to notice problems with his memory. Initially, this was just forgetting appointments, and occasionally struggling to find the right words, but over time...

Initial evaluation of a technologyenabled change in delivery of the dementia service during COVID-19 in North Warwickshire

Table 2 shows that there was a reduction in all areas of urgent health care: a 46% reduction in hospital admissions, a 43% reduction in 999 call outs, a 62% reduction in GP contacts and a 63%...

Diabetic bladder dysfunction

In order to void normally and to maintain bladder control, it is necessary to have a coordinated, sustained bladder contraction of adequate size and duration, a decrease in resistance of the bladder...

Delegation of insulin administration: a survey of community nursing teams in England

The study aim was to evaluate use of the national voluntary framework for the delegation of insulin administration and the uptake of this delegation practice in community nursing in England..

Exploring the barriers to oral healthcare promotion and provision in the community

The aforementioned study discussed has shed a clear and necessary light on the uncertainty experienced by community nurses in providing oral healthcare to older people and other patient demographics...

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British Journal of Community Nursing provides clinical education dedicated to nursing in the home. Our goal is to help you develop your skills, improve your practice and manage cases more effectively.

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  • Evidence-based best practice

  • Peer-reviewed research

  • Focus on elderly care and long-term conditions

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