Any patient with COVID-19 may go onto develop long COVID regardless of the severity of the initial infection and the intensity of the treatment received (Crook et al, 2021). Post-viral syndrome has...
The Hyde Housing Association Ltd (2021) stated that anyone can apply for housing, but eligibility criteria would need to be met for the range of housing available. Eligibility would be based on need,...
‘It will require the NHS and its staff, in addition to persuasive information campaigns, to promote yet another mass vaccination effort during the autumn, so that as many of the potentially vulnerable...
Taquet et al (2021a) published the results of their study in the Lancet, which explored the neurological and psychological effect of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. They looked specifically into 6-month...
The cluster matron role developed into a mainly coordinating function for the service. The matron acted as the clinical lead and was responsible for the overall governance for service delivery. They...
The range of psychological, physical and contextual barriers to vaccination uptake are set out in a previous paper (While, 2021).
‘Community nurses can make the difference to their clients' lives by building on their existing strong rapport to engage in intimate professional conversations so that constipation can be identified...
Due to the concerns raised in care homes regarding appropriate PPE attainment, the author was authorised to lead a team to provide direct education and support to all residential and nursing care...
The WHO commissioned a systematic review due to concern related to influenza vaccine hesitancy across the globe, which was particularly evident during the 2009–2010 H1N1 pandemic (WHO, 2016). The...
Ageing brings about a number of changes in the body, and the ageing process begins to affect the way the body handles medicines around the time a person reaches their forties..
Unlike organ donation, which needs to take place within the acute setting on a living human, human tissue donation can be offered within the community up to 48 hours after death (NHS Blood and...
British Journal of Community Nursing provides clinical education dedicated to nursing in the home. Our goal is to help you develop your skills, improve your practice and manage cases more effectively.
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