This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Interventions for hand eczema

The primary objective of the review summarised here (Christoffers et al, 2019) was to assess the efficacy of topical and systemic interventions for hand eczema in adults and children..

Social prescribing: a ‘natural’ community-based solution

Since its inception, holistic social prescribing has influenced a paradigm shift from a pathogenic, medical model, towards a salutogenic model that embraces what makes people healthy rather than...

Experience with setting up community intravenous therapy clinics

The community nursing service at the authors' trust had already been providing IV antibiotic therapy within the community, although this had been restricted to provision within patients' own homes....

Refreshing the way we approach cancer therapy

First offered to patients in the UK in early 2019, chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy forms part of a newer class of medicines designated advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs)....

Body weight and the management of lymphoedema

There is widespread recognition that obesity is a risk factor in the development of lymphoedema (Clinical Resource Efficiency Support Team, 2008; Mehrara and Greene, 2014; Fu et al, 2015). However,...

Urinary incontience after stroke

Urine can only be effectively stored in the bladder if the urethral pressure remains higher than the internal bladder pressure. A sustained substantive contraction of the pelvic floor, urethral wall...

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