This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Laura Johnston

Speciality Registrar in Paediatric Dentistry, Birmingham Dental Hospital and School of Dentistry, Edgbaston

Oral conditions in the community patient: part 2—systemic complications of poor oral health

The oral cavity acts as a focal point for the interaction of the body with the external environment, with its key functions including mastication, taste, speech and swallowing (Kane, 2017). Alteration...

Oral conditions in the community patient: part 1

Oral health has a symbiotic relationship with many chronic systemic diseases, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Poor oral health can exacerbate existing underlying disease by contributing...

Swapping drills for dressings: redeployment of dentists to community nursing

Undergraduate dental training in the UK is a 5-year mixed academic and clinical medical programme, with dentists graduating with the principal skills required to be safe clinicians. Although the...

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British Journal of Community Nursing provides clinical education dedicated to nursing in the home. Our goal is to help you develop your skills, improve your practice and manage cases more effectively.

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  • Evidence-based best practice

  • Peer-reviewed research

  • Focus on elderly care and long-term conditions

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