This website is intended for healthcare professionals

How race features in pain-treatment disparities

Donna Kinnair, head of the Royal College of Nursing, and herself no stranger to racism as a black woman living in the UK, points out that patients in black and minority communities have the worst...

Will life ever be the same again?

‘Even those who have not experienced anxiety and depression previously have been challenged by the lockdown.’ .

Swapping drills for dressings: redeployment of dentists to community nursing

Undergraduate dental training in the UK is a 5-year mixed academic and clinical medical programme, with dentists graduating with the principal skills required to be safe clinicians. Although the...

E-learning in a new era: enablers and barriers to its implementation in nursing

One of the clear benefits of using e-learning to deliver training is the flexibility of the location and time it needs to be completed. The health service runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but most...

Aims, actions and advance care planning by district nurses providing palliative care: an ethnographic observational study

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the district nurse in palliative care provision, with a particular focus on observational exploration of their role and practice in providing...

Falls and older people: preventative interventions

This programme comprises 30 minutes of leg muscle strengthening and balance retraining exercises that progress in difficulty and are performed at home at least three times per week, together with...

Social prescribing: a ‘natural’ community-based solution

Since its inception, holistic social prescribing has influenced a paradigm shift from a pathogenic, medical model, towards a salutogenic model that embraces what makes people healthy rather than...

Experience with setting up community intravenous therapy clinics

The community nursing service at the authors' trust had already been providing IV antibiotic therapy within the community, although this had been restricted to provision within patients' own homes....

Vitamin D for the management of multiple sclerosis

The objectives of Jagannath et al's (2018) updated Cochrane systematic review was to evaluate the benefit and safety of vitamin D supplementation for reducing disease activity in people with MS.

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British Journal of Community Nursing provides clinical education dedicated to nursing in the home. Our goal is to help you develop your skills, improve your practice and manage cases more effectively.

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