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The impact of cold weather on older people and the vital role of community nurses

02 January 2025
Volume 30 · Issue 1


Over the past 160 years, the UK has experienced significant winter mortality among older people. A quarter of a million older people have died from cold-related illnesses over the past decade, with one older person dying every seven minutes. Misconceptions about winter deaths must be addressed. Evidence shows that winter deaths are avoidable. These deaths are not because of hypothermia and are unlikely to decline with climate change in the future. Improving indoor heating may only partially reduce winter deaths. An integrated policy is needed to reduce all risks equally, with community nursing playing a crucial role in such policies. This article explores the multifaceted impact of cold weather on older individuals and emphasises the crucial role that community nurses play in mitigating the associated challenges. Grounded in advanced concepts and research methodologies, the analysis encompasses physiological, psychological and social dimensions. The integration of primary sources and academic theories aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic. The article also explores the specific responsibilities of community nurses and the evidence-based interventions required to address the unique needs of older individuals during the colder seasons.

Understanding the impact of cold weather on older people has become imperative for healthcare professionals, particularly community nurses, who support an ageing population(Goodwin, 2007; Reis da Silva, 2023a). This article comprehensively analyses the physiological, psychological and social implications of cold weather on older individuals, and highlights the indispensable role of community nurses in providing holistic care.

During the winter months, vulnerable adults in care homes face greater risks of health problems, including respiratory conditions, falls because of snow or ice and gastrointestinal infections such as norovirus. Adhering to key infection prevention and control practices (IPC) can help prevent illness and protect patients from common infections (Department of Health, 2013; Aziz, 2018).

The high rate of winter deaths in the UK has been a persistent issue since 1841, with an estimated 20 000 to 50 000 more people dying each winter than in other seasons—most of these are older adults (Office for National Statistics (ONS), 2023). Most of this mortality rate is attributed to poorly insulated homes, leaving vulnerable populations exposed to the dangers of cold weather (Age UK, 2016). Tragically, in England and Wales, one older person dies approximately every seven minutes from cold-related illnesses. During the winter of 2014–15, some 40 800 excess winter deaths occurred among people aged 65 years or more, with the highest mortality rates seen in those aged 75 years and older (Age UK, 2016) (Box 1).

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