Indications for long-term catheterisation are given in Box 1. Given the known risks associated with long-term catheter use, as well as the overuse for convenience in the older population, catheters...
Patients over 65 years of age may have signs of frailty, including limited mobility, dexterity, memory loss, weight loss, changes in skin integrity and visual impairments, among other comorbidities....
As Parkinson's disease is a movement disorder, it can make getting out and about more difficult. There is an array of equipment designed to help with this, and some of the most common pieces of...
In a recent Commons debate, the MP Andrew Selous raised the importance of mouth care, oral health and access to dental services and the impact of poor oral care on vulnerable older people. He also...
Eczema can be classified as endogenous, exogenous or having no known cause (Ashton et al, 2005). Endogenous eczema develops as a result of internal factors that compromise the skin's integrity, for...
Around 10–20% of women experience a symptomatic UTI in their lifetime (Foxman, 2002; 2014). However, a comprehensive literature review of seven different medical databases found this value to be even...
When older people present with faecal incontinence, their condition is generally managed passively, with the use of pads, rather than a full assessment being completed (Harari, 2009). This may be due...
The measures for evaluating processes and impact are presented in Table 2. These included outcome, process and balancing measures..
The causes of incontinence in the older population are usually multifactorial (Table 1) and consequently require a number of different interventions for treatment. There are significant age-related...
Two categories emerged that described nurses' experiences of immediate follow-up visits to older patients with multimorbidity who had been discharged from hospital: Relieving anxiety at home and...
While anyone can acquire an infection, there are some people who are at higher risk, either because of factors specific to the patients or because of the setting within which they find themselves...
A recent systematic review identified common barriers to as well as facilitators of implementing procedures for falls prevention in nursing homes. The most commonly cited barriers were limited...
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