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Reminiscence intervention for community-dwelling older adults without dementia: a literature review

02 January 2020
Volume 25 · Issue 1


The aim of the present integrative literature review is to summarise empirical evidence supporting the positive health benefits of reminiscence intervention for older adults without dementia who reside in community and long-term care settings. Reminiscence intervention may be used to improve cognitive ability in older adults by prompting them to share life stories and recall past events. Using Garrard's matrix method, 15 studies were identified and included in this review, with a total of 815 participants. The health outcomes of reminiscence intervention for older adults residing in the community and long-term care settings were improvements in depressive symptoms; greater wellbeing, peace and life satisfaction; and improvements in quality of life, social engagement, anxiety and cognitive skills/memory. Non-pharmacological approaches such as reminiscence intervention may contribute to a rich base for reformulating cognitive interpretations, increasing cognitive abilities, and improving social skills among older adults.

Reminiscence is defined as ‘a method or technique to recall past memories’ (Westerhof et al, 2010:698). Reminiscence intervention is used to promote positive feelings in older adults as they share life experiences through recall of past events. The fundamental elements of a reminiscence intervention include organisation, facilitation, focusing on positive memories and discussion of themes from a generational perspective (Stinson, 2009). Often, reminiscence programmes for older adults involve the use of stimulating materials, such as old pictures, songs, household items and newspapers, and sharing the individuals' past memories. Despite variations, general themes such as participants discussing personal memories, discussion of historical objects and facilitated group discussion remain consistent in reminiscence programmes throughout the literature (Brooker and Duce, 2000; Watt and Cappeliez, 2000; Bohlmeijer et al, 2008; Stinson, 2009; Gallagher and Carey, 2012; Smiraglia, 2015; Soniya, 2015). Reminiscence programmes have been shown to improve cognitive and social skills in older adults, as an individual's past contributes to a rich base for formulating cognitive interpretations and motivational direction (Ertel et al, 2008).

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