This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Long-Term Conditions

Body weight and the management of lymphoedema

There is widespread recognition that obesity is a risk factor in the development of lymphoedema (Clinical Resource Efficiency Support Team, 2008; Mehrara and Greene, 2014; Fu et al, 2015). However,...

Fronto-temporal dementia: a case study and strategies and support for caregivers

JA was a 51-year-old divorced woman with one daughter and worked as a loan officer at a local credit union. One day, she committed an error involving a significant amount of money. On recognising the...

Pituitary conditions: importance of geography and the Pituitary Foundation in patient support

The analysis revealed four main themes with associated sub-themes, plus one over-arching theme outlined in Table 1..

Blocked urinary catheters: what can nurses do to improve management?

Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) account for a significant proportion of healthcare-acquired infections (Pellowe, 2009), and the cost of treating CAUTIs is estimated at almost...

Giving clinicians and patients the remote control

Fundamentally, the single biggest priority in the NHS is patient safety. Six years ago, in the wake of the Francis Report (Francis, 2013) and the Berwick Review (Berwick, 2013), a range of policies...

Housebound patients with diabetes needing support with insulin—a project to improve service standards

Julia, aged 58 years, has had type 2 diabetes for 5 years. When reviewed as part of the project, she was prescribed metformin, gliclazide and long-acting insulin once daily. Julia is housebound due to...

Oxygen alert wristbands (OxyBand) and controlled oxygen: a pilot study

For long now, it has been known that prolonged exposure to high concentrations of oxygen in animal models leads to diffuse alveolar damage, alveolar collapse, haemorrhage, infiltration of inflammatory...

Caring for people with multiple sclerosis who use cannabis for symptom control

Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) is a flowering plant that contains around 400 chemicals, over 70 of which are cannabinoids (Atakan, 2012). Two of these cannabinoids have been of interest within the field...

Adjustable compression devices for chronic oedema and lipoedema: purpose, selection and application

The advent of ACDs has presented new avenues in the management of chronic oedema, and these devices have gained popularity, with a number of companies manufacturing multiple versions (Figures 1 and 2;...

Support for people with long-term neurological conditions in rural English communities

Compounding the challenges of rural health care access, rural areas also experience greater difficulty in attracting and retaining health professionals (Buykx et al, 2010; Kroezen et al, 2015). An...

The older person with diabetes: considerations for care

Older age is associated with considerable changes, for example, in social role, functional ability, and work and income status. It can be an opportunity to take on new hobbies and interests, to travel...

Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in the home setting

NPPV has multiple functions to support breathing (Table 1). The ventilator provides positive pressure at two different levels that work in time with breathing: the inspiratory positive air pressure...

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