This website is intended for healthcare professionals


The impact of the district nurse advanced nurse practitioner role on the transformation of district nursing

The historic district nursing service model embedded throughout NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde comprises a specialist practitioner district nurse, community staff nurses and healthcare support workers...

Preventing bloodborne pathogen transmission in community nursing practice

Community nurses must always wear gloves when handling blood or body fluids to avoid direct contact with potentially infectious material. They should wash hands before and after patient contact,...

Urinary incontinence in older adult women: fighting a rising tide

The prevalence of this condition does not belie its severe impact on quality of life. The literature surrounding UI in women is in overwhelming consensus: its impact is profound in every aspect of...

The A–Z of age-related dermatological diseases

Ageing is associated with numerous physical, immunological and molecular changes that fundamentally alter skin structure and function (Figure 1). There are too many factors, which are understood in...

The habitus and field of district nursing: a discussion around its professional status and symbolic capital

District nursing as a field (Figure 1.1) is bound by its relationship to other professional fields as well as the four main nursing fields or branches of nurse education: adult nursing (Figure 1.2a),...

Patient-centred stoma care support: urostomy patients

A urostomy is a surgically created opening in the abdomen that redirects urine from the body. It can be temporary or permanent. The opening is made when the bladder has to be removed or bypassed, and...

Recognition and assessment of pain in people with advanced dementia

The definition of pain has evolved over time; it is generally described as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling the experience associated with, actual or...

Preventing future falls: strategies for success

The underlying causes of a fall are often multifactorial, with the World Health Organization (WHO) (2007) suggesting that risks can be grouped into four categories: biological, behavioural,...

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British Journal of Community Nursing provides clinical education dedicated to nursing in the home. Our goal is to help you develop your skills, improve your practice and manage cases more effectively.

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