It can be easy to overlook the ‘pandemic’ of malnutrition in the UK. With the abundance of shops, restaurants and fast-food outlets in the country, and with the media focusing often on obesity-the...
The role of a DN is described as highly complex and needing expert knowledge and skills that have been acquired from the completion of the specialist practitioner DN programme (QNI, 2015)....
When dealing with catheter-related complications, it should first be ascertained if the catheter is indeed required (Thompson and Browne, 2019). Nazarko (2019) argues that 30-50% of people with...
The author's doctoral work revealed two aspects of the DN role: the clinical expertise and the leadership/management aspects, impacting the ability to be person-centred (Dickson et al, 2018; 2020)....
Typically, urinary catheterisation is used to manage retention, but it is important to note that patients may also require catheterisation for a variety of other reasons (Royal College of Nursing,...
Two community nurse fellows under the Chief Nursing Officer, England, have been tasked with expanding the role of community nurses in population health management, focusing on two outcomes:.
The Managing Adult Malnutrition in the Community panel has updated its guidance for community healthcare professionals.
During the first months of the pandemic, the priority was healthcare delivery. Registered nurses and midwives on full-time programmes, such as the district nurse specialist practice qualification (DN...
The NHS Long Term Plan (NHS England, 2019) highlights how advanced clinical practice is central to helping transform service delivery and better meet local health needs by providing enhanced capacity,...
Community nursing is not appreciated outside the professional group (Drew, 2011); therefore, this study adopted an ethnographic methodology, because it offered potential for community nursing culture...
Participant demographics are summarised in Table 1. Data analysis yielded four emergent themes: referral criteria: insight and inconsistency, task versus patient-centred care, role transparency and...
Ethics approval for the study was granted by the university ethics committee. Adult nursing students who had received MECC training in the health promotion module were invited to participate in the...
British Journal of Community Nursing provides clinical education dedicated to nursing in the home. Our goal is to help you develop your skills, improve your practice and manage cases more effectively.
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