This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Infection prevention and control: a guide for community nurses

Standard infection control precautions (SICPs) are the basic IPC measures necessary to reduce the risk of spreading pathogens. Much guidance on the practice of SICPs focuses on the clinical setting;...

Stoma product selection: an update

A colostomy is formed from the colon and the output is flatus with formed faeces. The colostomy output needs to be collected in a closed appliance as it is thick in consistency and cannot be drained....

An update on enteral feeding in the community

Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubes are suitable for adults and children. They are a long-term, artificial enteral feeding tube that require endoscopic placement, allowing direct access to...

Advance planning for co-caring couples

Molly and Sven (names changed to protect identity) were referred to the MDT by a housing officer who was concerned about a deterioration in Molly’s cognitive state. The referral led to a visit by...

Digital health and technologies

Much of the research and efforts have been focused on improving the efficiency and quality of hospital care through data analytics for clinical care and administration. NHE Vocera (2022) has made the...

An overview of intermittent self-catheterisation

The Bladder and Bowel Community (2022) state that there are three main types of intermittent self-catheters: coated, non-coated, and pre-lubricated. Coated catheters come with a hydrophilic coating,...

A review of the potential impact of professional nurse advocates in reducing stress and burnout in district nursing

Within the past decade in district nursing, the author has seen increasing complexity of care and workload, with associated high levels of stress and burnout. The QNI (2022) suggested this is a...

Supervision and restriction of patients at home

We begin with a story that will hopefully bear no relation to the professional experience of readers. A GP once told me of a call he received from a gentleman who requested a home visit ‘to have a...

Adverse cutaneous drug reactions: manifestations, diagnosis and management

ACDR, also known as toxidermia, are skin manifestations resulting from drug administration. ACDR are the most common adverse drug reactions reported in the literature, with the overall incidence in...

Scabies: an update for community nurses

Scabies is one of the most common dermatological conditions and affects more than 200 million people at any given time. While scabies occurs worldwide, it is most common in hot, tropical countries and...

Skincare for chronic oedema and lymphoedema patients

‘a chronic, progressive swelling of tissue with protein-rich fluid, which is consequential to the developmental (primary lymphoedema) or acquired (secondary lymphoedema) disruption of the lymphatic...

A qualitative exploration of the thoughts, feelings, experiences and expectations of student district nurses

There is a gap in the current literature, which explores the experience of students undertaking the SPQDN. The aim of this study was to explore the feelings, thoughts, experiences and expectations of...

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British Journal of Community Nursing provides clinical education dedicated to nursing in the home. Our goal is to help you develop your skills, improve your practice and manage cases more effectively.

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