This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Incontinence in palliative care: assessment to promote dignity

UI has a stigma and can cause an individual to hide symptoms and avoid seeking appropriate help (Payne, 2017; Smith et al, 2019), often causing a communication barrier with the DN. Incontinence can...

Thinking out loud: what you can do before you die

What can I do to prepare for death? .

New workforce standards for district nursing launched

‘Workloads are far exceeding the capacity of services. From the qualitative data we have collected over the last 7 years, there appears to have been a shift towards district nursing teams acting as...

Recent insights into catheter-related urinary tract infections

Inserting a catheter can damage the urothelial barrier and trigger immune responses. As a result, the patient may deposit proteins (eg fibrinogen) onto the catheter surface (Gaston et al, 2021)....

The community nurse and stoma care

A stoma appliance has many different names: a ‘stoma bag’ or ‘stoma pouch’ are terms commonly used by patients. A stoma appliance is used to collect and contain the output from a stoma. Thus, there...

First year pre-registration nursing student perceptions of community nursing roles: a thematic analysis

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), in its standards for the pre-registration nursing, identified that it is essential to equip student nurses with the skills required to work across both...

Nausea and vomiting in end-of-life care: managing this debilitating symptom in the community

Confidentiality will be maintained throughout this case study with the use of pseudonyms in accordance with the standards set in the Code (Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), 2018)..

Perceptions of people with motor neurone disease, families and HSCPs: a literature review

The critical appraisal process was informed by Hawker et al (2002). The aim of the review was to find out what the perceptions of plwMND, their families and HSCPs are relating to service delivery to...

Storytelling in palliative care

‘… you think about things that you haven't thought about in a long time, and that gives you some pleasure … you can pass them onto future generations of the family.’ .

Understanding COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy

‘Emphasising the social benefits of vaccination may reduce COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, perhaps because it shifts attention away from the individual and to the collective good’ .

Measuring the economic value of community nursing

The most recent national cost collection data showed that, in 2019/20, community nurses across England (district nurses, specialist nurses and school nurses), working in NHS organisations, had 42.4...

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