This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Administering intravenous therapy in patients' homes

Nurses should always observe hand hygiene before performing any aseptic technique (NICE, 2014), and home IV therapy must always be an aseptic technique. Hands should be washed with soap and warm water...

Understanding incontinence in the older person in community settings

The causes of incontinence in the older population are usually multifactorial (Table 1) and consequently require a number of different interventions for treatment. There are significant age-related...

Professional, structural and organisational interventions in primary care for reducing medication errors

The objective of the Cochrane review by Khalil et al (2017) was to assess the effectiveness of structural, organisational and professional interventions to reduce preventable medication errors...

Follow-up visits to older patients after a hospital stay: nurses' perspectives

Two categories emerged that described nurses' experiences of immediate follow-up visits to older patients with multimorbidity who had been discharged from hospital: Relieving anxiety at home and...

Recent noteworthy cases related to employment law

The first case the authors discuss is United First Partners Research v Carreras, in which the Court of Appeal held that an employer's expectation and ‘long hours culture’ could amount to a provision,...

How will a no-deal Brexit impact medicines in the UK?

According to the Minister of State for Health and Social Care, Stephen Hammond, the storage for medicine stockpiles in the event that the UK withdraws from the EU on 29 March 2019 without an agreement...

A ‘long-term plan’

‘Planning and careful implementation will be required so that long waits in the home do not simply replace long waits for nursing care in hospital corridors or wards.’ .

Future of Specialist Practice Qualifications in district nursing for band 6 leadership roles

This study used an exploratory mixed-methods design with the Delphi technique, which involves a group communication process that aims to predict future events or occurrences (Ulschak, 1983; Turoff and...

Infection prevention in care homes: the role of community nurses

While anyone can acquire an infection, there are some people who are at higher risk, either because of factors specific to the patients or because of the setting within which they find themselves...

An overview of the role of the district nurse caring for individuals with complex needs

The case of Amanda Clarke (pseudonym) is used as a source of reference to further illustrate the role of the DN..

What can community nurses do for older adults who experience faecal incontinence?

The incidence of faecal incontinence in the older population can vary dramatically depending on the definition used and the setting in which the people live. Individuals in a residential setting...

Preventing and treating incontinence-associated dermatitis in adults

The clinical question addressed in the review summarised here pertains to adults with incontinence in hospitals and nursing homes. The objective of Beeckman et al's review (2016) was to determine...

Negligence and the standard of care in district nursing

Liability for carelessness is given its legal expression in the law relating to negligence. Compensation paid to settle negligence claims continues to increase year on year in the NHS, with NHS...

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British Journal of Community Nursing provides clinical education dedicated to nursing in the home. Our goal is to help you develop your skills, improve your practice and manage cases more effectively.

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