The historic district nursing service model embedded throughout NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde comprises a specialist practitioner district nurse, community staff nurses and healthcare support workers...
Registered nurses must be able to identify life-threatening symptoms that need immediate treatment (Smith and Bowden, 2017). The Resuscitation Council UK (2021) advocate the Airway, Breathing,...
District nursing as a field (Figure 1.1) is bound by its relationship to other professional fields as well as the four main nursing fields or branches of nurse education: adult nursing (Figure 1.2a),...
A urostomy is a surgically created opening in the abdomen that redirects urine from the body. It can be temporary or permanent. The opening is made when the bladder has to be removed or bypassed, and...
The key function of the respiratory system is to distribute oxygen to the tissues, enabling the cells to produce energy through aerobic respiration and to remove waste products, primarily carbon...
This commentary aims to critically appraise the methods used within the review by Islam et al (2022) and expand on the findings in the context of community nursing and clinical research..
Patients are usually discharged before they are fully recovered and ready to resume normal activities. Whether this includes physical activities or return to daily routines and work or school, the...
The present study adopted a meta-ethnographic approach including a framework of seven interwoven phases (Noblit and Hare, 1988). This approach was chosen because of its interpretive perspective and...
Safeguarding is an important consideration for all nurses, especially community nurses who are best placed to identify safeguarding risks while visiting patients at home. The first key principle in...
Box 1 looks at the case of Henry, and his wife Gail. In Henry's situation, it is clearly demonstrated that by minimising a risk in one area (in this case, it is his risk of falling when walking...
This article aims to describe and analyse the types of medication errors among community-dwelling patients following their discharge within 3 weeks from an acute care hospital..
David was 70 years of age when he first started to notice problems with his memory. Initially, this was just forgetting appointments, and occasionally struggling to find the right words, but over time...
The study aim was to evaluate use of the national voluntary framework for the delegation of insulin administration and the uptake of this delegation practice in community nursing in England..
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