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End of life care

Aysha Mendes provides a synopsis and brief review of a selection of recently published research articles

In a systematic review, Veronese et al (2024) highlighted the importance of prognosis in clinical decision making (and thus, patient outcomes) and the limited use of prognostic tools in practice...

Legal aspects of dying and the community nurse

Dying is an inevitable part of life; the dying process has for many years been a medicalised process, and to a greater extent, the law has been shaped by the medical approach to death and dying. To...

Exploring the delivery of end-of-life care by community nurses

Community nursing services across the UK have faced unprecedented pressures both before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, including the provision of palliative and EOLC (Mitchell et al, 2021)....

Nausea and vomiting in end-of-life care: managing this debilitating symptom in the community

Confidentiality will be maintained throughout this case study with the use of pseudonyms in accordance with the standards set in the Code (Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), 2018)..

Perceptions of people with motor neurone disease, families and HSCPs: a literature review

The critical appraisal process was informed by Hawker et al (2002). The aim of the review was to find out what the perceptions of plwMND, their families and HSCPs are relating to service delivery to...

Being an end-of-life doula

‘Dying is not an act you can easily undertake yourself. If being born amid those who will love you is the first best hope of life, dying within a community is the last’ .

Are we getting it right? A review of end-of-life care in community nursing

Patient records were evaluated using a questionnaire to understand how well the service performed against a set of care priorities, namely:.

The known unknowns of assisted hydration at the end of life

Another factor contributing to the widespread variability in practice is the uncertainty about its impact. A recent systematic review of 15 studies found insufficient evidence to draw conclusions...

Why community specialist practitioner district nurses should promote tissue donation

Unlike organ donation, which needs to take place within the acute setting on a living human, human tissue donation can be offered within the community up to 48 hours after death (NHS Blood and...

Faecal incontinence in palliative and end-of-life care

In 2018, NHS England published a document aimed at commissioners and discusses continence. The publication recognises that continence is an important component in a person's health and wellbeing at...

Deprescribing in end-of-life care

Awareness of the anatomical changes that occur during the end stages of life is fundamental to support the rationale for stopping medications (Mangoni and Jackson, 2003). When a disease progresses,...

Getting anticipatory prescribing right in end-of-life care

The Department of Health and Social Care (2012) developed ‘Vision and strategy: an approach to district nursing’, building upon the six Cs (care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and...

Are district nurses well placed to provide equitable end-of-life care to individuals who are homeless?

A PICO question was implemented to develop the question for this literature review (see Table 1). Once the focus question was identified, inclusion and exclusion criteria were set to enable a focused...

Establishing a structured plan to provide high-quality end-of-life care in community settings

The initial blueprint for the care plan was constructed in collaboration with the professional development lead and IT analyst from the East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foudation Trust (Table 1). The...

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