Shared electronic care coordination systems following referral to hospice
In Scotland, the Key Information Summary (KIS) enables health providers to access key patient information to guide decision-making out-of-hours. KISs are generated in primary care and rely on information from other teams, such as community specialist palliative care teams (CSPCTs), to keep them up-to-date. This study involved a service evaluation consisting of case note reviews of new referrals to a CSPCT and semi-structured interviews with palliative care community nurse specialists (CNSs) regarding their perspectives on KISs. Some 44 case notes were examined, and 77% of patients had a KIS on CSPCT referral. One-month post-referral, all those re-examined (n=17) had a KIS, and 59% KISs had been updated following CNS assessments. CNSs cited anticipatory care planning (ACP) as the most useful aspect of KIS, and the majority of CNSs said they would appreciate KIS editing access. A system allowing CNSs to update KISs would be acceptable to CNSs, as it could facilitate care co-ordination and potentially improve comprehensiveness of ACP information held in KISs.
Electronic palliative care coordination systems (EPaCCS) are being developed in many localities to coordinate care across health and social care settings for people with advanced illnesses. Regional UK examples include Coordinate My Care, the South-West EPaCCS and Leeds EPaCCS (Riley and Madill, 2013; Pringle et al, 2014; Allsop et al, 2017; Petrova et al, 2018). In Scotland, the Key Information Summary (KIS) is used to coordinate this care (NHS Scotland, 2013; Petrova et al, 2018; Scottish Clinical Information Management in Practice, 2020). The KIS enables unscheduled healthcare providers, including ambulance and emergency services, out-of-hours GPs and palliative care teams, to access patient information and care preferences, guiding clinical decision-making out-of-hours (NHS Scotland, 2013; Tapsfield et al, 2019).
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